I went through some tolls for work on the weekend and want to know if I can pay them by number plate on the Linkt website.
Please call the Right2Drive team on 1300 100 121 and they’ll be able to assist you with your query.
What kind of fuel should I use?
Please refer to the sticker on the right side of the windscreen.
Is there a charge to add an additional driver to an accident replacement vehicle?
There’s no charge to you as the not at fault driver (subject to terms and conditions), as this cost will be recovered as part of the accident loan car claim. Please call the Right2Drive team on 1300 100 121 to add an additional driver to your replacement car.
Can I add an additional driver to an accident replacement vehicle?
Yes, please contact Right2Drive at responseteam@right2drive.com.au for assistance. You will need to provide the additional driver’s full name and a copy of the front and back of their driver’s licence.
Why do proceedings need to be issued in my name?
As you have an interest in the vehicle that was damaged, you are the party who has suffered a compensable loss. Similarly, even if the at fault driver has insurance, and indemnity has been confirmed, the at fault driver is listed as a party in the proceedings.